

Closing Session

End your experience at CFX Essentials with a final time of worship and inspiration to help you head home with your new strategies to implement in your ministries.

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Using Your Resources to Share Christ Online

As followers of Christ, we are called to spread the Gospel to all corners of the world, and in today's digital age, the internet provides us with a powerful tool to do just that. In this workshop, we will explore ways in which you can leverage your online resources to...

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Improving the Impact of Church Buildings for Worship

Designing spaces conducive for creating an Intimate and Dynamic worship experience starts with an understanding of how God created us to worship. Understanding God’s physical laws in delivering “The Message” gives us insight into how to have the maximum impact in each...

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Pastors & Tech Leaders: Shared Goals, Same Vision

The relationship between the Lead Pastor and the Technical Director/Lead is a critical relationship. Learn how to work well together in order to have a cohesive worship service that tells the message in a unified way. Are you a lead pastor seeking strategies to build...

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Exploring Multi-Site Campuses for Medium-Sized Churches

When many people think of Multi-Site Ministries, they envision the large, megachurches opening up campuses across the city and state where they all look and sound the same, like a franchise. While this is one example of Multi-Site Ministries, there are many more...

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TOUR: Christ Lutheran Growth and Building Plan

On this brief walking tour, discover how Christ Lutheran Church developed a master plan to add to their existing facility over the years for maximum engagement and financial stewardship. Hear from the lead pastor, architect, general contractor, and the AVL integrator...

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Get a Web Visitor to Attend Church In Person!

85-90% of first-time in-person church guests will start on your church’s website. But what if they only stay online? Is that ok? What’s your church doing to get them to visit in-person? Is that your goal? Are there barriers? Let’s look at some practical changes you...

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De-Escalation: Tips on Defusing Toxic Encounters

Words matter! What we say and how we say it can be the difference between an argument and voluntary compliance. The words we choose, our tone, pitch, and volume, along with our non-verbal cues, can further our communications and interactions and, in the case of a...

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Sunday is Game Day! Lead Your Tech & Worship Teams Well

Knowing that we’re working with volunteers, technology can sometimes have a mind of its own, and stuff happens, so how do we go for excellence in our worship services? What does success look like? How do we give God our very best, lead with love, hold ministries...

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